Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A Cute, Wishful Song...

Music & Lyrics: Richard Lim

I gazed at the sky tonight

I'm waiting for a star in flight
I know there'll be another
Shooting star

City lights seem to cover you
But I know you'll shine in my view
Even though you'll be that far
Shooting star

I know tonight you'll make my dreams come true
And all the other hearts that's torn in two
We'll wish on wherever you are
Shooting Star

It's past midnight, I'm still waiting for you
I don't know, I Don't have a clue
I'd still wish on wherever you are
Shooting star

I gazed at the sky tonight
Hoping tomorrow there'll be a star in flight...

*Written last April 09, 2007, 05:30
Personally recorded at Rm. 2316, Maxwell House, Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel, Seoul, South Korea

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sing it to us when you get here ha.... it seems nice....ako naay morning star!!! MUTA!!!!! hahahahah:P- munyin